Saturday, January 1, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having a Good Time

I can't believe another whole year has come and gone! I sit here at 1 a.m. on 1-1-11, as my coffee buzz begins to fade, the echoing sounds of exploding money are starting to slow down and beginning to recede into the past. It's already tomorrow -- a new day and a new year.

I had a busy last year and am happy to have survived it. Although my intentions far outweighed my efforts, at this time of my life, even something as simple as enjoying another year of good health feels like an accomplishment. What amazes me the most about getting old is that so many things seem to require just too much mental energy to deal with on any kind of regular basis. And my physical energy definitely has to be rationed so I can still participate in activities I can enjoy.

Serenity Garden has taken on a character of its own in my absence. Several perennial plants that had been mowed down the last few years, in our eagerness to claim our new property, have started showing up as loyal volunteers. A few new human volunteers are also showing up. And I am grateful for both. Apparently God still has people with the resources we need all lined up to help us at the right time for God's glory.

I resolve to blog more this year than I did in 2010. (That was an easy one: I already have!)

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