Thursday, February 10, 2011

Get 'er done!

Sometimes you've just got to knuckle down and do what you've gotta do to get 'er done. I get ideas and make plans and imagine fabulous outcomes, but all too often that's as far as I get. Thus it has been lately with Serenity Garden and with this blog. It's hard to get excited about creating a park that few visit or writing a blog that no one reads. (So if you're reading this, let me know!)

The problem is that sometimes the work that needs to be done just isn't fun and certainly won't show any immediate results. Especially this time of year, when it's just too cold to be outside. I'm happy to curl up inside where it's nice and warm. Still, I do long for the winter clouds to break and Springtime's warmth to spur me into action. But there are things that could be done now, even if it means bundling up to work in the cold. Dormant plants need to be transplanted. Manure worked in now would add to next year's growth.

My energy level is like the earth's. Nothing seems to be happening; the garden appears to be dead. But underneath the surface, life is already starting to spring forth again. Bulbs have sent up spears of green to capture the power of the winter sun and transform its sparse energy into beautiful lilies eager to display their resurrection. But I know those beautiful flowers only live because someone at sometime did the work required to plant them.

You can't reap what has not been planted. You can't read what has not been written.

How often I have longed for homegrown produce, but I haven't done the work required to earn a harvest. Or envied someone else's beautiful flower garden long after it was too late to get mine in the ground. Or had a creative, inspiring idea, but failed to write it down.

My spirit, like those bulbs, is stirring under the surface. Ideas churning. Plans developing. The soil is getting ready to receive the seed and to bring forth a harvest.

From Hugh Prather in Notes to Myself: "If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing, then the desire is not to write." My desire is to write. And to create a beautiful prayer garden. Both to share.

So I make a comittment to do what needs to be done and get 'er done!

1 comment:

  1. With the weather getting nicer it will be a joy to get out there and get 'er done! During the winter, like the bears, we need to stay warm. I so appreciate all you do. Pat
