Friday, August 7, 2009

Learning Curve

I don't know about you, but I can feel like a total idiot when I try to learn something new. Something that is so simple to someone else can completely mystify me. That's one reason we need each other. Each of us is given particular gifts.

Unlike many of my friends, I can plant things and they usually grow. I learned most of what I know about plants by asking for advice from those who know, then through trial and error, mostly by just digging in and getting my hands dirty.

Now I'm learning how to blog by pretty much the same method. It ain't as easy as it looks, but probably not as hard as I'm making it either. Thank God Donna is patient!

1 comment:

  1. HI Katy,

    You are an amazing woman of God, and I am so glad that you started a BLOG! I am not sure what that really means either, but we will all get to learn something new together. Finally, I am happy to see you happy and well, enjoying a new community of believers, and a wonderfilled life near the beach! Teri
