Thursday, August 6, 2009

Church Grounds Maintenance

The Board of Trustees will hold a yard cleanup on Saturday, August 29 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Bring yard tools, lawn mowers, weed eaters and help us get the yard ready for Friendship Sunday. Your help is greatly appreciated. See Robert Bellanova for more information.


  1. Hey! Thanks, Donna. (I don't know nuthin 'bout this bloggin' stuff. But I'll learn...)

    And thank you SO MUCH to Jack or whoever mowed the field around Serenity Garden!!! It looks great!

    It's been too hot to even get out there and water very much these last several weeks. Thank God for the rain we've been having. As soon as the cooler weather hits, there'll be lots to do outside. Right now I'm learning what NOT to plant out there next year. Some of the things are doing very well, but it sure needs some attention.

    I'll be out there around 11 am on the 29th. We have tools and lots of gloves, but no large ones. Anyone have anything they want to donate to plant that day? We can get 'er done!

    Unfortunately, there's very little lawn furniture left out there, so bring a lawn chair if you want to sit in the shade for Sunday's potluck. Maybe we can carry a few tables over there.

    Later, gator,

  2. Hey Katie,
    Thanks for all your dedication, hard work, and most of all -- your love. You are truly a blessing to all of us that know you !! We'll be there Sat. the 29th for the yard day -- hope to see everyone else there, too !! Much love, Robert & Davie
